Everything You Need to Know About Roof Replacement Costs

roof replacement


Roof replacement is a big investment but essential for safeguarding your home. A sturdy roof defends against the elements, enhances curb appeal, and can be a wise financial move. Understanding the costs and factors involved lets you make informed decisions for your home.

Key Points about Roof Replacement Costs:
Average Cost: $5,000 – $30,000, depending on roof size, materials, and labor.
Signs You Need a Replacement: Curling shingles, leaks, age (20+ years), bald spots.
Material Options: Asphalt shingles, wood shakes, metal roofing, slate, clay tiles.

Investing in a new roof isn’t just about spending money; it’s about ensuring your home’s longevity and value.

Factors that Affect Roof Replacement Costs Infographic - roof replacement infographic pillar-3-steps

Signs You Need a New Roof

Knowing when to replace your roof can save you money and prevent more severe damage to your home. Here are some key signs that indicate it’s time for a roof replacement:

Curling Shingles

If you notice that the edges of your shingles are curling or peeling upward, this is a red flag. Curling shingles can lead to leaks and other issues. According to Guillaume Bailly, senior CARE training manager for Canada at GAF, curling is often due to age, extreme weather, or poor ventilation.

Gutter Granules

Check your gutters for granules. If you find a lot of granules, it means your asphalt shingles are deteriorating. These granules protect your shingles from the sun’s UV rays. Without them, your shingles will wear out faster. Bailly advises checking the downspouts for these granules, as they can be a sign that your roof is nearing the end of its life.

Cracked Shingles

Cracked shingles are another warning sign. Cracks can occur due to thermal expansion and contraction. Over time, these cracks can lead to leaks. From the ground, you might see what look like cracks, but they are actually tears from prolonged exposure to the elements.

Old Age

Most roofs have a lifespan of 20 to 25 years. If your roof is approaching this age, it’s time to consider a replacement. The International Association of Certified Home Inspectors notes that local weather conditions, material quality, and regular maintenance also affect longevity. If your roof was installed over an existing layer of shingles, it might not last as long.

Attic Light

If you can see light coming through the roof boards in your attic, this is a serious issue. Light means there are gaps in your roof, which can lead to leaks. This is often a sign that the waterproofing system has broken down and may require immediate attention.

Key Takeaways:
Curling Shingles: Look for edges peeling upward.
Gutter Granules: Check downspouts for granules.
Cracked Shingles: Watch for cracks or tears.
Old Age: Consider replacement if the roof is 20+ years old.
Attic Light: Gaps indicate serious issues.

Recognizing these signs early can help you avoid costly repairs and ensure your home remains protected.

Next, we’ll dive into the roof replacement costs, including average costs, factors affecting the price, and more.

roof replacement

Roof Replacement Costs

Roofing Costs by Type

The cost of roof replacement varies widely based on the type of material you choose. Here’s a quick look at the average costs for different roofing materials for a 2,000-square-foot home:

  • Asphalt Shingles: $8,000 – $17,000
  • Wood Shakes: $14,000 – $32,000
  • Galvanized Steel: $14,000 – $30,000
  • Concrete Tile: $15,000 – $40,000
  • Aluminum: $16,000 – $34,000
  • Slate Tiles: $19,000 – $52,000
  • Clay Tiles: $22,000 – $50,000
  • Copper: $42,000 – $80,000

Choosing the right material depends on your budget, local climate, and the desired look. For instance, metal roofing stands up better against extreme weather compared to asphalt shingles, which can save you on long-term maintenance costs.

Full vs. Partial Roof Replacement Costs

Sometimes, you can get away with a partial roof replacement. This is usually possible if only one part of the roof is damaged, like from a storm. Partial replacements save money on both labor and materials.

  • Full Replacement: Necessary for older roofs or when damage is widespread.
  • Partial Replacement: Viable for localized damage, saving costs.

Cost to Replace Roofing vs. Repair

Deciding whether to repair or replace your roof involves considering various factors:

  • Repair Costs: Range from $150 to $7,000. Common issues include leaks, peeling shingles, and flashing damage.
  • Replacement Costs: Higher upfront but can be more cost-effective long-term, especially if repairs are frequent.

When to Repair:
– If the damage is minor and localized.
– If the roof is relatively new (less than 10-15 years).

When to Replace:
– If the roof is nearing the end of its lifespan (20+ years for asphalt shingles).
– If damage is extensive or widespread.

Cost Factors

Several factors impact the overall cost of a roof replacement:

  • Labor Costs: Vary by region and the complexity of the roof.
  • Material Costs: Different materials have different price ranges.
  • Roof Pitch: Steeper roofs require more labor and special equipment.

Example: A roof with a steeper pitch (higher than 6:12) will cost more due to increased labor and safety precautions.

Recognizing these factors can help you budget more accurately for your roofing project.

Next, we’ll explore additional cost factors you should consider, such as permit fees, inspections, and potential cleanup costs.

Additional Roof Replacement Cost Factors to Consider

When planning for a roof replacement, it’s essential to account for several additional costs beyond labor and materials. Here are some key factors to consider:

Permit Fees

Most roofing projects require permits, and the cost can vary based on your location and the scope of the work.

  • Permit Costs: Typically range from $50 to $500.
  • Example: Larger, more complex projects may need multiple permits, increasing the total cost.

Roof Inspection

A thorough inspection can identify issues that need addressing before starting the replacement. This step ensures the project goes smoothly and prevents surprises.

  • Inspection Costs: Usually between $100 and $600.
  • Quote: “Regular inspections can save you money in the long run by catching problems early,” says Guillaume Bailly, senior CARE training manager at GAF.

Emergency Services

If your roof has suffered significant damage from a storm or other disaster, emergency services might be necessary. These services can secure your home until a full replacement is possible.

  • Example: Tarping a damaged roof can cost between $200 and $1,500, depending on the extent of the damage.

Additional Damage

During the replacement, contractors might find underlying issues like water damage, pest infestations, or structural problems. Addressing these can add to your costs.

  • Underlayment Replacement: $2 to $3 per square foot.
  • Roof Water Damage Restoration: $400 to $1,700.
  • Repair or Replace Roof Trusses: $500 to $5,000.

Cleanup Costs

Disposing of old roofing materials and cleaning up the site is another cost to consider.

  • Cleanup Costs: Can range from $50 to $500.
  • Example: Some contractors include this in their quote, but it’s good to confirm.

By understanding these additional cost factors, you can better prepare your budget and avoid unexpected expenses during your roof replacement project.

Next, we’ll discuss the basic roofing materials you can choose from, including their pros and cons.

The Basic Roofing Materials

When considering a roof replacement, it’s crucial to understand the different materials available. Each has its own set of advantages and disadvantages. Here’s a simple guide to help you choose the right material for your home.

Asphalt Composition Shingles

Asphalt composition shingles are the most popular roofing material. They are affordable and easy to install.

  • Cost: $8,000 – $17,000 for a 2,000-square-foot home.
  • Lifespan: About 20 years.
  • Pros: Budget-friendly, widely available, and easy to install.
  • Cons: Flat appearance and less durable compared to other materials.

Wood Shakes or Shingles

Wood shakes or shingles offer a natural and attractive look.

  • Cost: $14,000 – $32,000 for a 2,000-square-foot home.
  • Lifespan: Around 30 years.
  • Pros: Excellent durability and aesthetic appeal.
  • Cons: Expensive and not suitable for areas with high fire risk.

Metal Roofing

Metal roofing is gaining popularity due to its durability and fire resistance.

  • Cost: $14,000 – $34,000 for a 2,000-square-foot home.
  • Lifespan: Up to 70 years.
  • Pros: Long-lasting, fire-resistant, and can mimic other roofing styles.
  • Cons: Expensive and requires specialized installation.

Slate Roofing

Slate roofing is a high-end option known for its beauty and longevity.

  • Cost: $19,000 – $52,000 for a 2,000-square-foot home.
  • Lifespan: Over 50 years.
  • Pros: Extremely durable and attractive.
  • Cons: Very heavy, slippery, and difficult to repair.

Composition Slate

Composition slate is a synthetic alternative to natural slate.

  • Cost: Typically less than natural slate; prices vary.
  • Lifespan: Comparable to natural slate.
  • Pros: Lighter and less prone to damage.
  • Cons: Still relatively expensive and may not have the same longevity as natural slate.

Clay or Ceramic Tile

Clay or ceramic tiles are often seen in Spanish-style architecture.

  • Cost: $22,000 – $50,000 for a 2,000-square-foot home.
  • Lifespan: Over 50 years.
  • Pros: Fire-resistant and aesthetically pleasing.
  • Cons: Heavy and can be expensive.

Each roofing material has its unique benefits and drawbacks. Your choice will depend on your budget, climate, and aesthetic preferences.

Next, we’ll explore the pros and cons of adding a second layer of shingles versus a complete tear-off.roof replacement

Tear Off or Second Layer?

When it’s time for a roof replacement, you might wonder whether to tear off the old roof or add a second layer of shingles. Let’s break down the key considerations:

Weight Considerations

Adding a second layer of shingles might seem easier, but it can put a lot of stress on your roof’s structure. Excess weight is a major concern, especially for older homes. A triple layer of asphalt shingles can weigh as much as a single layer of slate shingles, which are very heavy. If your roof framing isn’t designed to handle the extra weight, it could cause structural problems down the line.

Telegraphing Issues

Telegraphing is another issue to consider. This happens when the new layer of shingles takes on the shape of the old, uneven roof. If your current roof has bumps, waves, or bubbles, these imperfections will show through the new shingles, leaving you with an unattractive roof. To minimize this, you need to fix as many issues as possible on the old roof before adding a new layer. This can involve hammering down protruding nails, fixing gaps, and addressing any other visible issues.

Work and Waste Reduction

One of the primary benefits of adding a second layer is that it reduces the work involved. You won’t need to tear off the old shingles, which can save time and reduce waste. This can be a significant advantage if you’re looking to cut down on labor costs and environmental impact. However, keep in mind that this is a short-term saving and might lead to higher costs later if the underlying problems aren’t addressed.

Manufacturer’s Warranties

Before deciding, check the rules and restrictions of your roof’s warranty. Some manufacturers require a complete tear-off to maintain the warranty. Ignoring this could void your warranty, leaving you unprotected if something goes wrong. Always check the warranty details to ensure compliance.

In summary, while adding a second layer of shingles can save time and reduce waste, it comes with risks like added weight and telegraphing issues. Always consider manufacturer warranties and the long-term health of your roof before making a decision.

Next, we’ll discuss the best times of the year to schedule your roof replacement.

When to Get a Roof Replacement

Timing your roof replacement can significantly impact costs and the quality of work. Here’s what you need to know about choosing the best time for the job.

Optimal Seasons

In most parts of the U.S., the best time to replace a roof is from late spring to early fall. The weather is typically more predictable, and temperatures are ideal for roofing materials to set properly.

However, don’t be discouraged if you need a roof replacement outside of these months. Skilled crews can work during off-peak seasons too.

Off-Season Advantages

Opting for a roof replacement during the off-season (late fall to early spring) can be beneficial. During these periods, the demand for roofing services is lower. This can lead to lower prices and more availability from contractors.

Pro Tip: If you choose to replace your roof during the off-season, look for a professional crew that can complete the job quickly to take advantage of dry periods.

Labor Demand

High demand for roofing services can drive up labor costs. During peak seasons, roofing companies often charge more due to the increased workload. Conversely, during the off-season, you may find more competitive pricing as companies look to fill their schedules.

Professional Crews

Regardless of when you schedule your roof replacement, hiring a professional crew is crucial. A well-coordinated team can complete a moderately-sized roof replacement in just three to four days.

They will:

  • Remove all existing shingles and dispose of them responsibly.
  • Make minor repairs to the roof deck if needed.
  • Install ice dam protection in areas prone to freezing temperatures.
  • Lay down asphalt roofing paper to create a water barrier.
  • Apply metal drip edging around the roof’s edges.
  • Install new valley flashing where roof planes meet.
  • Apply shingles starting at the eaves and working upward.
  • Install flashing around chimneys, skylights, and vents.
  • Finish with a ridge vent for proper ventilation.
  • Complete a thorough cleanup, ensuring no nails or debris are left behind.

Choosing the right time and crew for your roof replacement can save you money and ensure the job is done right. Next, we’ll delve into the roofing process in more detail.

Understand the Roofing Process

Getting a roof replacement can feel overwhelming, but understanding the process can make it much easier. Here’s a step-by-step guide to what happens during a typical roof replacement:

Removal of Old Shingles

The first step is to remove all existing shingles. This involves tearing off the old shingles and disposing of them in a roll-off dumpster. A good crew will use tarps to protect your plants and shrubs and magnetic tools to pick up nails and metal debris from your lawn.

Minor Repairs

After removing the old shingles, the crew will inspect the underlying roof decking. If they find any damage, they will make minor repairs to ensure the roof is in good condition before proceeding. This might involve replacing rotted or damaged wood.

Ice Dam Protection

In regions prone to ice dams, it’s crucial to install ice dam protection. This involves laying a protective barrier at the roof’s edges to prevent melting ice from seeping under the shingles and causing water damage.

Asphalt Roofing Paper

Next, the crew will lay down asphalt roofing paper over the roof decking. This paper acts as an inner barrier against water, creating an additional layer of protection. The rows of roofing paper overlap as they move upward toward the roof peak.

Metal Drip Edging

Metal drip edging is then installed around the roof’s edges. This metal strip helps guide water off the roof and into the gutters, protecting the underlying wood from water damage.

Valley Flashing

For areas where two roof planes meet, the crew will install new valley flashing. This metal flashing is essential for directing water flow and preventing leaks in these vulnerable areas.

Tab Shingles

The next step is to apply the tab shingles. This process starts at the eaves and works upward toward the peak. Each row of shingles overlaps the one below it, ensuring a watertight seal.

Flashing Installation

Flashing is installed around all areas where leaks might occur, such as chimneys, skylights, and vents. This step is crucial for preventing water from seeping into the house.

Ridge Vent

Finally, the crew will install a ridge vent at the peak of the roof. This vent allows hot, humid air to escape from the attic, improving ventilation and extending the roof’s lifespan.

Final Cleanup

The last step is a thorough cleanup. The crew will ensure no nails, shingles, or other debris are left behind, leaving your property as clean as they found it.

Understanding these steps will help you feel more confident and informed when hiring a roofing crew. In the next section, we’ll discuss the costs involved in a roof replacement.

DIY Roof Replacement vs. Hiring a Professional

Replacing a roof is a big job. It’s tempting to save money by doing it yourself, but there are many risks and challenges to consider.

DIY Risks

1. Safety Hazards

Roof work is dangerous. You’ll be working at heights, often on sloped surfaces. Falls can lead to serious injuries. Professional roofers use safety harnesses, ropes, and other equipment to stay safe. Most homeowners don’t have access to this gear.

2. Experience and Knowledge

Roofing isn’t just about laying shingles. You need to understand the structure of your roof, how to spot hidden damage, and the best materials for your climate. Mistakes can lead to leaks, mold, and structural issues. Professionals have the training to avoid these problems.

3. Time and Effort

Roof replacement is time-consuming. Removing old shingles, making repairs, and installing new materials can take days or even weeks if you’re not experienced. Professionals can complete the job much faster, often in just a few days.

Professional Advantages

1. Expertise and Quality

Professional roofers bring expertise. They know how to handle different roofing materials and can identify issues like hidden damage or leaks. This ensures a high-quality installation that will last.

2. Proper Material Selection

Choosing the right materials is crucial. Professionals can recommend the best options for your home and climate, ensuring durability and energy efficiency. They also have access to high-quality materials that might not be available to the average homeowner.

3. Warranties and Guarantees

Many roofing contractors offer warranties on their work. This means if something goes wrong, they’ll fix it at no extra cost. DIY projects don’t come with this peace of mind.

Safety Hazards

1. Falls and Injuries

As mentioned, working on a roof is risky. Falls can be fatal. Professionals are trained to navigate these hazards safely.

2. Tool and Equipment Use

Roofing requires specialized tools. Using these without proper training can lead to accidents. Professionals have the right tools and know how to use them safely.

Proper Installation

1. Avoiding Costly Mistakes

Improper installation can lead to many issues. For example, if shingles aren’t laid correctly, water can seep in, causing leaks and water damage. Professionals ensure everything is installed correctly the first time.

2. Compliance with Local Codes

Roofing work often needs to meet local building codes. Professionals are familiar with these regulations and ensure your roof is compliant. This can save you from fines and additional work.

3. Efficient and Effective Installation

Professionals have the experience to work efficiently. They can complete the job quickly without sacrificing quality. This means less disruption to your daily life.


While DIY roof replacement might seem cost-effective, the risks and challenges often outweigh the savings. Hiring a professional ensures safety, quality, and peace of mind. In the next section, we’ll answer some frequently asked questions about roof replacement.

Frequently Asked Questions about Roof Replacement

What time of year is the cheapest to replace a roof?

The cheapest time to replace a roof is typically during the winter or late autumn. This is considered the slow season for roofing contractors.

Why? Because the demand for roofing services drops, making contractors more likely to offer competitive prices. However, weather conditions can be a challenge, so make sure to plan accordingly.

What is the cheapest option for a new roof?

If you’re looking for the most budget-friendly option, asphalt shingles are your best bet. They are cost-effective and widely used due to their affordability and durability.

Other options to consider include:

  • Metal roofing: Costs more upfront but lasts longer.
  • TPO roofing: A single-ply roofing membrane that’s affordable and energy-efficient.
  • Concrete tile roofing: Durable and cost-effective over time.
  • Clay tile roofing: More expensive but very durable and aesthetically pleasing.

How much does it cost to replace a roof on a 2200 square foot house in NC?

Replacing a roof on a 2200 square foot house in North Carolina can vary widely in cost. Here’s a breakdown:

  • Cost Range: $8,800 to $88,000
  • Average Cost: Around $15,400

Labor and materials play a significant role in determining the final cost. For example, asphalt shingles are cheaper, while metal or clay tiles can drive up the price.

Average Cost Per Square Foot: Typically, costs range from $4 to $40 per square foot, depending on the materials used and the complexity of the job.

In summary, the cost of roof replacement can vary based on the time of year, materials chosen, and the specifics of your home. Always consult with a professional to get the most accurate estimate for your situation.


In summary, roof replacement is a significant investment that can greatly enhance your home’s protection, curb appeal, and overall value. As we’ve discussed, there are numerous factors that influence the cost, including the type of materials used, labor costs, and the specifics of your home.

At Alfred’s Roofing, we understand that this is not just a financial commitment but also a decision that impacts the safety and comfort of your home. That’s why our experienced team is dedicated to providing top-notch service from start to finish.

We pride ourselves on our customer satisfaction. Our team is not only skilled but also committed to ensuring that each project meets and exceeds your expectations. Whether it’s a simple repair or a full roof replacement, we approach every job with the same level of professionalism and attention to detail.

One of the key benefits of working with us is our lifetime warranties. We stand by the quality of our work and the materials we use, giving you peace of mind that your investment is protected for years to come.

Our efficient service ensures that the job is done right and on time. We understand that roof replacement can be disruptive, so we strive to complete our work quickly and efficiently without compromising on quality.

Choosing the right roofing company is crucial, and with Alfred’s Roofing, you’re choosing a partner who values your home as much as you do. Contact us today for a consultation and let us help you make the best decision for your roofing needs.